To his people, the Northern Cheyenne he was known as Morning Star Vo’o’he’he’ve but to his allies the Sioux, they called him Dull Knife Th’amilaph’e’s’ni, this was the name also used by others. He was born in the year 1810 near the Rosebud River, Montana territory and died in the year of 1883. After ... READ the POST
Archives for April 2023
Animal Totems
Bison- A legendary animal associated with Native Americans, stories, ceremonies are dedicated to this magnificent animal. It can be termed the “Great Mother” as it gives to the benefit of others, gives life and nourishment. Symbol of power, strength and endurance and teaches how to stand your ... READ the POST
Cheyenne men were all warriors, it was instilled in them at a very young age to become a warrior was a great thing, bravery and courage would be admired by their people and stories, songs would be told about them through generations. To excel in battle was to bring glory, success, admiration to the ... READ the POST