To his people, the Northern Cheyenne he was known as Morning Star Vo’o’he’he’ve but to his allies the Sioux, they called him Dull Knife Th’amilaph’e’s’ni, this was the name also used by others. He was born in the year 1810 near the Rosebud River, Montana territory and died in the year of 1883.
After the demise of Custer’s soldiers in the battle of the little bighorn, the USA army was keen to stem the Indian uprising. Colonel Ranald S Mackenzie raid destroyed 200 lodges, 700 livestock captured and supplies, they had little choice but to surrender to the army. Transported to Darlington Agency on the Southern Cheyeene Reservation in Indian Territory. Most suffered from starvation and disease. Two – thirds of the tribe were sick and succumbed to their illnesses. Dull Knife and other leaders tried to reason with the authorities to have some reservation in their former territory but would not oblige. Dull Knife did not want to see any more of his tribe members disintegrate.
In September 1878 Dull Knife led the tribe back to their homelands out maneuvering the soldiers which numbered 10,000 soldiers in various detachments. Dull Knife led 89 warriors 246 women and children over 400 miles. He travelled with Little Wolf’s band and separated at the South Platte River, Nebraska going separate ways. Little Wolf’s band surrendered to the army March 25 1879 and stayed in Montana. Dull Knife headed to the Red Cloud agency, not being aware that it had closed down. October 23, 1878, he surrendered and lived at Fort Robinson (Nebraska). When Dull Knife and his band refused to go back to Indian territory around January 5 1879 they were given no food, water or heat to keep warm but trying to submit them to go back. January 9, they attempted to break for their freedom one more time, 64 were killed 78 recaptured and wounded. Six people including Dull Knife safely made it to Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota.
Due to public pressure on the Bureau of Indian Affairs, they abandoned plans to send them back to Indian territory but gave them a reservation for all of the Northern Cheyenne’s on the Tongue and
Powder Rivers and settled with Little Wolf’s band.
Due to Dull Knife’s intelligence and leadership abilities, the Northern Cheyenne still presently own some of their homeland.
Photo credit to: dull knife cheyenne chief – Bing images